Clinical Nutrition In Merrick NY

What is Clinical Nutrition in Merrick NY?
The use of natural food designed by nature to enable the body to repair itself and become healthier.
The health experts at Sunrise Chiropractic & Wellness Office in Merrick NY can provide you with a personalized nutrition program derived from information your body provides. Most programs include dietary suggestions and whole food supplements to aid your body in healing itself. When it comes to nutrition, many people take vitamins and herbs. What many people are not aware of is that these supplements are not truly tailored specifically for their bodies. Only when recommended by a doctor or clinical nutritionist can the regimen of vitamins and herbs be successful. Also, many vitamins and herbs may be poorly sourced and/or processed, and may even be mostly synthetic.
Does this sound “natural”?
Whole food supplements are! They are derived from specific whole foods, organically grown and prepared in such a way that preserves their vital enzymes and vitamins; making them the optimum vitamin-mineral products. In concentrated form, your body can get complete nutrition from this small tablet. By restoring the nutrition on which your body was founded, it is possible to enable your body to heal itself…just as nature intended.
We carry top of the line organically grown whole food vitamins supplements manufactured by Standard Process. All are grown and harvested in nature without any type of refinement added to them. For example, an apple is a whole food and is naturally good for your health because it contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients. These vitamins and herbs are uniquely processed to keep all the nutrients from whole foods intact in a supplement made up of all natural whole food complexes. Humans metabolize whole foods collectively not one by one. Therefore, whole food nutrients work synergistically to achieve their biological effects.
We look forward to discussing your personal nutrition goals and creating a customized plan for you at Sunrise Chiropractic & Wellness Office in Merrick NY!
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 2:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Sunrise Chiropractic & Wellness Office
2260 Hewlett Ave
Merrick, NY 11566